Token Information

BINT Token Economic Model:

  1. Total Supply: 10 billion

  2. Blockchain: BSC (Binance Smart Chain)

  3. Full Token Name: BicernToken

  4. Token Symbol: BINT

  5. Allocation Model:

    • Ecosystem Rewards: 90% (9 billion) – Used to support the mining output for Bicern's ecosystem development, incentivize community engagement, node partners, application promotion, and long-term participation from Bicern users.

    • Market Operations Fund: 2% (200 million) – Allocated for market promotion, brand building, partner support, and platform operations, distributed according to market activity needs.

    • Core Team: 3% (300 million) – Incentivizes core team members to ensure the continued operation and innovation of the team. Lock-up Rule: 1-year lock-up, linear unlock over 3 years.

    • Liquidity Pool: 5% (500 million) – Used for initial token trading pair integration and providing liquidity support for decentralized exchanges.

Last updated